
Workplace Trends To Inspire Your Office Improvements

You’re only as productive as the workplace in which you work and most business owners understand this, marching into an office improvement plan designed to enhance output.

However, few of these business owners actually follow through on the revamp. Like so many other plans, these tend to fall by the wayside.

If you’ve factored office improvements into your financial budget for this financial year – don’t go giving up on the reality of a terrific new workspace just yet. We’ve got some exciting workplace trends listed here that will offer some inspiration.

Tailored approach

For some time, companies attempted to gain big publicity and attract top talent by going the Google route and transforming their office into a giant playground.

The gimmick quickly wore itself out; businesses have stopped mimicking the world’s biggest search engine. Instead, they’re creating environments that reflects their unique brand values; taking advantage of bespoke solutions and specially-designed furniture that’s right for their workforce.

This way, company culture is integrated into the surroundings – contributing to a holistic effect that’s far superior to something lifted straight from a Google ad.

Adaptability for flexible workspaces

 Another trend worth keeping in mind for the year ahead is adaptability.

Few businesses operate in the one-dimensional manner in which they used to. Asking staff to sit in front of the same PC in the same position in the same room for 8 hours a day is not good for creativity or stimulation, leading to decreased morale and productivity. This is well-known now– and that’s why businesses are making their offices more fluid.

Over the past few years, we’ve seen the emergence of breakout rooms and activity centres. Now, we’ll see companies investing in space, furniture and tech that can be rearranged and repositioned with minimal fuss – enabling staff to constantly refresh their working environment so it never becomes stale.

Health and well-being

Lots of different companies have decided to dot plants around the office after reading up on greenery’s proven benefits for the brain, but workplaces now are going one further to enhance mental well-being.

Businesses are set to swap out vending machines packed with fatty, sugary snacks for bowls with fruit and vegetables; as well as dedicating an area where staff can retire to get away from the pressures of work.

Furniture will also become less office-y and more like a living room space, helping staff to feel as though they are at home and subsequently more at ease; increasing confidence and work rates.

Renovate your workplace with Smarter Home 4U

Smarter Home 4U can help you integrate any of these big workplace trends. Our professionals will be delighted to support you from beginning to end, regardless of whether you need guidance building a budget or need advice on interior design.

With Smarter Home 4U, you can guarantee a magnificent solution for your office that improves productivity twofold this year. Get in touch with our team today for more information by calling 0800 781 5292 or dropping a line to

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